The show, affectionately named "Meth and Hot Dogs 2" is the brain child of our friend Kill Taupe and will take place at toy haven Lift Designer Toys and Gallery in Royal Oak, Michigan.
The exhibit itself will bring together 39 extremely talented artists that have "an appreciation for the demented, cute, and strange."
As for us, we are currently deep in the planning phase as Kill Taupe has asked us to provide two custom toys and a collection of our handmade sculpts. Everything that we will send to the show will be completely original, never before seen, and will surely live up to the demented, cute, and strange that the show is guaranteeing.
So, keep an eye out during the upcoming weeks for more behind the scenes information as we move out of the planning phase and into design.
beep! boop! bop!
Jenn and Tony Bot
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